A diet pill that works – how will the fat-shamers cope? | Zoe Williams

When it comes to obesity, the medical profession is often besotted with self-control. Lorcaserin could take the moral element out of weight-loss

There were things at the carefree turn of the century that feminists rarely argued about in public (though pioneers must have been debating at home): trans rights, sex workers, the meaning of rape – call it the Germaine Greer trinity. Yet there was a culture war waged on middle-brow front pages that I always found nebulously misogynistic, focused as it was on women’s bodies: obesity.

“Six out of 10 women overweight,” the papers would proclaim. Excess weight occurs in men as well as women (in fact 9% more men are overweight) but it was always framed as a women’s issue. It tapped into ancient perceptions of the weaker sex – vanity, lack of self-control and a deep pool of self-loathing.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2P66uLE