ABC cuts begin to bite in the depleted newsrooms of Sydney | Weekly Beast

Bosses forced to plead for staff to fill gaps in the news roster. Plus: Rupert, Sharri and the mother of all acceptance speeches

The ABC’s Sydney newsroom has put out an urgent call to all state news directors for staff who can fly in to fill “significant gaps in the production roster”. This is on top of regional staff who have already arrived to fatten up Sydney’s skeleton staff. Chiefs of staff, news gathering producers and line-up producers are all needed to put out the 7pm TV news bulletin between 30 August and 28 September, the memo says. “Please give me a shout out if you have any suggestions or smart ideas.”

Hindsight is a wonderful thing but we do have a suggestion and a smart idea for ABC news boss Gaven Morris: don’t make too many chiefs of staff, chief subs and producers redundant. Don’t lose eight experienced hands from one newsroom in one fell swoop. The crisis comes four months after Morris announced 22 jobs in the ABC’s newsrooms across the country were to be made redundant. Eight of these were in Sydney.

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from The Guardian