‘Balance’ isn’t about dragging experts down to our level | Eva Wiseman

In the name of balance, all kinds of weird and wonderful opinions are being given equal weight. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t in danger of tipping over the edge…

Do you know what I’m sick of? Balance. Unless you’re walking along a very narrow handrail above a famous alligator pit, balance is overrated. Balance gave us last week’s This Morning slot where they invited observational cosmologist Dr Sarah Bosman to debate with a flat earther called Martin Kenny. “Martin Kenny,” ITV explained on Twitter, “believes the moon landings were faked and humans couldn’t possibly land on the moon as it’s not solid, whereas Dr Sarah Bosman dismisses these conspiracy theories as nonsense. What do you think?” Smiley face.

It’s a fair question. What do you think? Do you think, centuries of science brought us here, etc etc, so thank you very much, but I’m going to nod politely as if talking to the lady on the bus who introduces you to each of her toes by their Hebrew name, or do you think, as you think so often now, when battered by yet more proof that the mainstream media is controlling the conversation: “FAKE NEWS”. Or do you think, as I did: “Balance is killing me?”

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2MzQNeS