Disenchantment first-look review – Game of Thrones send-up has a few Groening pains

Projects by the creator of The Simpsons and Futurama take time to find their feet, so this Netflix series may well become essential – despite its patchy start

The big thing to remember about Matt Groening projects is that they always take time to warm up. Futurama began life as a dystopian sci-fi about the prominent use of streetside suicide booths, but eventually became lovely enough to accommodate the sweetly heartfelt episode The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings. The Simpsons will for ever be the show of Do It For Her, despite originally being a deliberately iconoclastic satire about an alcoholic child-strangler.

So, the good news is that Groening’s new animated Netflix series, Disenchantment, may grow into itself before long. The bad news is that it isn’t there yet.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2Kyk08c