Flower power: how to make Queen Bey’s floral crown

Blooming headpieces are the accessory of the summer, with Beyoncé and Rihanna wearing them on the cover of Vogue. But is it possible to knock one up at home?

Flower crowns are this summer’s glitter face paint – Beyoncé and Rihanna are on the front of September US and UK Vogues wearing them, so it is only a matter of time before you see them on ambitious festivalgoers. But how easy is it to get the look at home?

Athena Duncan, the founder of Rebel Rebel florists, made Beyoncé’s creation. It took a full day, using peonies and roses, and more obscure blooms such as anthurium and achillea. “The instruction we had was for something that was regal but soft and feminine,” she says. I bought a couple of bouquets from the supermarket and had a go. This is what I learned.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2KBMTk5