How the NFL stumbled its way into becoming Trump's top target

The league thinks it can appease the president on player protests, but Trump’s latest broadside makes it clear that’s not the case

It’s funny. It’s almost as if the president wants people talking about a handful of NFL players taking a knee at the start of a preseason football game rather than, say, anything else currently going on in the United States. On Thursday night, a couple of Miami Dolphins players took a knee during the national anthem as part of an ongoing symbolic protest against social injustice and police brutality. Once again, president Donald Trump went on Twitter to denounce the players and demand that the NFL put a stop to it.

The NFL players are at it again - taking a knee when they should be standing proudly for the National Anthem. Numerous players, from different teams, wanted to show their “outrage” at something that most of them are unable to define. They make a fortune doing what they love......

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from The Guardian