I’m a paranoid parent – and proud of it | Catherine Shoard

Many of us are having fewer kids, later in life, so overwhelming parental anxiety is not just normal – it makes sense

Back in the days when I was responsible only for myself, I’d commute to work and often just goggle. So many people had, individually, got themselves out of bed, washed, dressed, to a station and on to the right train. The level of collective competence seemed staggering. These days, the feat of someone getting to the office on time and not naked seems like child’s play. Now I stop and goggle instead at other people’s offspring.

Not because they are doing anything remarkable, but because they exist. Serious accidents have not befallen them. They have, somehow, survived. Their carers have miraculously managed to keep them going all the way until now. It seems endlessly astonishing.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2MyqeLi