Insatiable: there’s self-loathing for all in Netflix’s ‘fat-shaming’ teen comedy

Stand down, outrage police; being overweight isn’t the punchline in this acerbic series about millennials’ self-image

“I’ve heard stories of girls who grew up happy and well adjusted, with a healthy relationship to food and their bodies,” drawls Patty (Debby Ryan), the conniving antihero of Insatiable (Netflix). “Screw those bitches. I went on my first diet when I was eight years old. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been hungry.”

For anyone operating under the misapprehension that millennial TV is all group hugs and wokeness, Lauren Gussis’s comedy about a bullied fat girl who gets thin and wreaks revenge on her persecutors will set them straight. Not only is it front-loaded with gags about child molestation, homosexuality and homelessness, it has taken the bold decision to exhume that totem of 90s and early-00s comedy: the fat suit. Little wonder that, upon the release of last month’s trailer, Insatiable became an instant outrage generator, yielding foaming thinkpieces about fat-shaming, and an online petition demanding for it to be pulled by Netflix. All of which, at the very least, makes it a triumph of publicity over plotting.

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from The Guardian