How are you spending your summer? Sweltering in the heat on the train to work? Taking the kids to the cinema? Or catching a flight somewhere to unwind?
If you’re disabled, you may encounter problems with any of these, as transport and recreation continue to be plagued by poor treatment. The BBC’s security correspondent, Frank Gardner, who uses a wheelchair, was stranded on a plane at Heathrow airport this month (a repeated occurrence for him). Last month, the comedian Tanyalee Davis spoke of being “harassed and humiliated” for using a disabled space on a train for her mobility scooter, and ended up being trapped as she was taken 50 miles out her way. Even watching a film can end in discrimination. In May, the British Film Institute had to apologise after staff forcibly removed a woman with Asperger syndrome from a screening in what onlookers described as a disgusting sign of “naked intolerance”.
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