The coffins, strewn with flowers and draped with the flags of different countries, were lined in a row as the mourners came in their thousands. The dead had come from far and wide – from Chile, the country of Juan Carlos Pastenes and his wife Nora Rivera; from France, home to a group of twentysomethings on their way to a music festival; from Albania, which two young Muslim men had left to pursue a better life in Italy; and from Genoa, the grief-stricken city of eight-year-old Samuele Robbiano and his parents. After the service, his small coffin was placed gingerly in a hearse accompanied by a large bunch of yellow flowers and two cuddly toy animals.
The port city held a state funeral on Saturday for 19 victims of the collapse last week of the landmark Morandi bridge. At least 42 people are now known to have died in one of the worst tragedies in modern Italian history, the death toll rising on Saturday after the bodies of a couple from Piedmont and their nine-year-old daughter were found in the wreckage. Rescuers were still working to find five more people who have been reported missing.
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