Sorry to break it to you, far-righters: James Bond is not on your team

Katie Hopkins and Richard Spencer are upset at the idea of Idris Elba as 007. What makes them think the sexy, elitist spy is theirs to claim?

Greetings, pop pickers – and you are cordially welcomed to an exciting new Lost in showbiz series. It is entitled You’re Wetting Your Pants About What Now?, and aims to showcase the pettier preoccupations of the far right/radical right/whatever the free-speech snowflakes are demanding to be called this week. Now, you’d think these guys have a lot of big things to talk about. The clash of civilisations. The White House putsch. The fact you can’t say anything any more, even though they literally just said whatever it was. But it’s amazing how often the leading lights of wingnuttery become obsessed with sensationally trivial things.

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from The Guardian