Trump is a Twittertarian: a distraction despot in the age of social media | Lawrence Douglas

Revoking John Brennan’s security clearance is yet another example of Trump’s strategic use of distraction – but the real news cannot be silenced

President Trump is a Twittertarian, an authoritarian in an age of social media. As a master Twittertarian, Trump deflects attention from one heinous attack on basic decency and constitutional governance by committing another.

Peeved that the despicable “dog” Omarosa Manigault Newman is dominating the news? Revoke the security of clearance of another critic, the former CIA director chief John Brennan! No point pretending deflection wasn’t the intention. The statement about Brennan was dated 26 July; the president was simply waiting for the right moment to play the distraction card.

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from The Guardian