Usain Bolt's gimmick tag will be hard to shake in A-League | Stephen Ganavas

The commercial benefits of the Jamaican’s arrival clearly outweigh doubts over his on-pitch ability

Usain Bolt in the A-League. It’s a fascinating prospect. An announcement from the Central Coast Mariners that the eight-time Olympic gold medallist would be joining the club on trial for an indefinite period of time sparked a global frenzy this week.

Bolt, after all, has never played a professional football match in his life, and it must be stressed – this is a trial. At this point, he is still not a contracted Mariners player and there is every chance he never will be. However, there is great potential for this to help further embed the club in the community, allowing young potential Mariners fans to see one of the world’s most famous and recognisable athletes donning a Mariners shirt. A training shirt, but a Mariners shirt nevertheless.

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from The Guardian