We can't look away: the guilt-inducing spectacle of outdoor fitness | Tom Lee

What is it that stirs agitation when we witness displays of athletic pride? Is it simply that we feel guilty for not exercising?

Over the past 10 or so years the Australian fitness industry has begun to realise what the restaurant industry did a couple of decades earlier: the climate and natural amenity of our cities should set the tone for our pleasures and pursuits. Fitness enthusiasts have migrated from indoor gyms to parks, ovals and beachfronts, so that the ventilation and vantages afforded by these locations can be enjoyed to a maximum degree.

In wealthy democracies like Australia this increase in visibility has been combined with a massive explosion in the diversity of fitness activities. It is not uncommon to see a group of lycra-clad devotees flipping a large tractor tyre across a grassy expanse with a focus and dedication that suggest their lives depend on the task. Thickly braided lengths of rope are incorporated into regimented dance routines and people swing lumps of metal backwards and forwards like clappers orphaned from their bells.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2vGMisn