Here's what delaying Kavanaugh's confirmation vote means politically | Walter Shapiro

Think of what would have happened if Jeff Flake had not halted the rush to judgment – the one-week reprieve was the best the Democrats could have hoped for

The 1940s radio drama, This Is Your FBI, was J Edgar Hoover’s favorite show – which was understandable since he personally approved every script. A December 1945 episode, called the Bobby Sox Bandit, began with these prophetic words, “Seventeen. That’s an important and exciting age in the life of a boy or girl.”

Now the FBI has been given the sexually charged case of the “Alleged Prep-School Predator”. The stroke-of-midnight decision to let the bureau investigate Christine Blasey Ford’s charges about the 17-year-old Brett Kavanaugh was an outlandish plot twist that would have embarrassed an alcoholic radio scriptwriter. With Kavanaugh’s nomination about to be rammed through the Senate with a show of partisan Republican muscle, this one-week reprieve was the best the Democrats could have hoped for.

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from The Guardian