Up until this point, even my most delightful skits and routines had garnered the same reaction of bored alarm I get from friends when I explain the chronology of the Fast & Furious movies
‘Imagine having someone stay in your house for 40 days without smiling,’ my friend Mark said when his son was just a few weeks old. He spoke with the halting, far away speech of that guy in a horror movie who’s just seen his entire platoon eaten by giant centipedes. ‘Not one smile,’ he continued. ‘You’d think they were a psychopath.’
Only now do I realise how true this is. Of all the strange things about the small, soft man that has been sleeping in a box by my bed for the past six weeks, the weirdest is the fact he hasn’t smiled. It has, in fairness, been physically impossible for him to do so, as social smiling is a development that doesn’t kick in before now, but still – it’s hard not to take it personally.
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