Scott Morrison’s daggy dad act is a sign of our times | Brigid Delaney

John Howard started the trend for the ordinary man as ideal leader. Now, the worst thing you can be as prime minister, it seems, is extraordinary

It was 22 February 1997, one year since John Winston Howard thrashed Paul Keating to be elected Australia’s prime minister. The Weekend Australian magazine put Howard, looking like a gargoyle, on their cover with the subheading: An Ordinary Success, Mainstream Man, one year on.

Keating was flash and brilliance, a skilful orator, unapologetically European in his taste, in everything from suits to clocks to classical music. It would have been unthinkable for an adviser to suggest that Keating tone it down, that he become more ordinary, that he use smaller words, or start wearing tracksuits and baseball caps.

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from The Guardian