She’s made philosophy fun in The Good Place, has a model marriage and still finds time for charity work. No wonder Kristen Bell struggles to keep it all together
Lately, Kristen Bell has been fielding a lot of stymieing questions. At home, her daughters, three and five, have been asking scramblers such as, “Why is Earth?” and “Who made dogs?”. They have also been asking about death, she says, taking a sip of her green smoothie at a health food cafe in Los Feliz. “Are we going to die? When are we going to die?” – questions that dovetail eerily with their mother’s work on the set of The Good Place. In the Netflix sitcom set in the afterlife, each episode sees her character Eleanor – a self-described Arizona trash-bag whose soul is in constant threat of gut-disemboweling damnation – calibrate the least amount of ethical effort to keep herself out of The Bad Place. (Eleanor would settle for somewhere medium, the afterlife equivalent of Cleveland.) “It’s taking philosophy lessons, wrapping them in a fart joke, and making them digestible,” says Bell. Even so, the show’s creator, Mike Schur, heaps his desk with “400-page book after 400-page book after 400-page book and he’s like, ‘Oh yeah, that’s for the next episode.’”
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