Non-monogamy seems to be having a moment. Would it work for us?
The first time my boyfriend, Sam, slept with someone else, I was intrigued. “What was it like?” I asked. He sighed: “Fine.” I had so many questions: where, who, what did she look like, but he refused to answer any more when I asked about her knickers. (“I’m just wondering if they were nice?” I said. “Like, standard M&S or Rosie for Autograph M&S?”).
Sam and I have been together for almost a year now, and I don’t think he took me seriously when I first, briefly, mentioned that perhaps monogamy wasn’t for me (“I thought it was just one of your affectations,” he said). But as time has worn on, we’ve butted up against my resolve like rubber ducks against an iceberg. “I feel like you’re doing it because it’s…” he looks disgusted… “trendy.”
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