Why I find the Kavanaugh/Ford case so unsettling | Nesrine Malik

Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations will remind many women of men from their past. However, there can be strength in not forgetting

It’s hard to describe how it feels to be a woman living through the #MeToo era. Not at the centre of anything, but reflecting on your personal experiences. In the beginning I remember just a dark rage, followed by a giddiness that something really did seem to be changing. Then a forced rationality, an awareness that things must not swing too far just because emotions were high and, by God, men had it coming.

But lately, it’s just been surprising. For me and many of the women around me, the Brett Kavanaugh case in the US has triggered some unexpectedly profound emotions. There is something of the horror movie about the story of how Donald Trump’s supreme court nominee stands accused of a sexual assault that was allegedly committed more than 30 years ago.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2IaL5yT