Working With Children review – there's no theatre-maker quite like Nicola Gunn

The Lawler, Southbank Theatre, Melbourne
What are we trying to protect children from and who decides? Gunn’s exploration of this question is a startling, multistranded work

Performance-maker Nicola Gunn has long been respected as one of the finest artists to come out of Melbourne’s independent theatre community, but her new show, Working With Children, may just be the work that brings her a much wider audience.

A Melbourne Theatre Company commission with an international tour already lined up, Working With Children starts with the distinct sound of water being poured on stage. Then, the sound of a person in a wetsuit throwing herself on the ground, sliding along – again and again. We can barely see her, but it becomes apparent that a woman is taking off the wetsuit and changing into jeans and T-shirt, socks and sneakers. When the lights come on, Nicola Gunn stands in front of us, fully dressed, but still dripping. The stage is glistening.

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from The Guardian