'Your father's not your father': when DNA tests reveal more than you bargained for

Genetic tests are seen as harmless fun. But the secrets they can reveal can split families and leave users traumatised

The first surprise of Michèle’s DNA test was how much saliva it took. “It was daunting. It took us, like, 20 minutes. And the more we laughed, the harder it was to do.”

It was May 2016, and she and her now husband had ordered the kits as very early Christmas presents for themselves. They had been researching their family trees – Michèle had traced her father’s family back as far as the 1600s – and had wanted to test their DNA but had been put off by the cost. They were saving for a fertility treatment and had only recently moved to Florida from New York.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2QFHBs2