A Brexit 50p? That’s got no currency with the 48% who voted remain | Stuart Heritage

The chancellor’s proposed commemorative piece neglects remainers – so I’ve coined five ideas

Philip Hammond’s proposed commemorative Brexit 50p coin is a stone-cold work of art. I mean it. It’s a silly distraction. It’s a medal designed to honour a false sense of misplaced national entitlement. It’s a tangible object that you can watch plummet in global value in real time. Honestly, it’s a masterpiece of form and content. You couldn’t do better if you tried.

That said, you have to admit that the whole notion is heavily skewed towards the 52% of the population who voted for Brexit. And this means that almost half of us are left without a coin. Here, then, are five proposals for a remainer 50p coin.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2JmdCln