Banning schoolchildren from talking between lessons is the stuff of Matilda | Hannah Jane Parkinson

The rule by Ninestiles school in Birmingham is arbitrary and cruel – and kids will find a way round it

Top of the things that make me despair this week (there are many options) is the decision by Ninestiles secondary school in Birmingham to enforce silence on “all student movement, including to and from assembly, at lesson changeover and towards communal areas at break and lunch”. It is difficult to think of a more harmful and mean-spirited policy than taking away children’s means of communication for a significant part of the day. It’s a rule that recalls Miss Trunchbull’s sinister control of her pupils, or Gilead’s handmaidens shuffling about, eyes downwards and whispering behind their hands.

These may seem excessive comparisons, but even parents of pupils have described the new diktat as “like a prison”. The lucky children will, however, “be able to speak to each other in designated areas at break and lunch times”. How exciting for them!

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from The Guardian