It was the one last wafer-thin wisecrack that made Bill Buckner snap. On 4 July 1993 he was signing autographs in a parking lot outside McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket, and when a boy passed him a ball to sign a man passing behind them said: “Don’t give him the ball, he’d just drop it anyway.” Buckner left, dumped his stuff in his truck, came back, grabbed the man by the collar and pinned him up against a wall. Buckner managed to stop himself from punching the guy – “thank God for that” – but it was right around then that Buckner finally decided it was time to for him and his family to quit Massachusetts and move to Idaho.
Buckner had a 20-year career in Major League Baseball, turned out for five different sides, made 2,715 hits in 9,397 at-bats. But he’s famous for one thing – letting a ground ball hit by Mookie Wilson slip between his legs in the 10th innings of game six of the 1986 World Series.
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