From Jafar’s treason and attempted murder to Scar’s regicide and assault, these cartoon baddies have clocked up some major hypothetical jail time. Could this be the next great franchise?
Most of the time, press releases are the bane of a journalist’s existence. You can smell the desperation on them as they vainly fling together all manner of spurious statistics in the frantic hope that someone – anyone – will publicise their film. Remember when a cinema company made some rabbits watch movie trailers for no discernible reason? That’s the hell I live in.
But sometimes, just sometimes, a press release accidentally strikes gold. Who knows why Music Magpie chose to put out a release ranking Disney villains by the length of time they would spend in prison if animated movies operated under the purview of the Crown Prosecution Service and the Sentencing Council for England and Wales? Is it because Halloween is coming up and villains are scary? Is it because Disney makes films and Music Magpie is a company that buys your unwanted DVDs for pennies? Who knows.
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