The social media giant said sorry about Cambridge Analytica but is silent about sexual harassment
If you read a newspaper or looked at a billboard this year you probably noticed a giant advert from Facebook saying “we’re sorry”. If you missed them don’t worry! The social media giant just received huge fines for letting Cambridge Analytica harvest users’ data, among other things. So my guess is the ads will make an appearance again. The reality is a company as rich as Facebook doesn’t care about a £500,000 fine. They do care what users’ think, but as I learned recently they don’t really want to listen to what they have to say.
Last month Rebecca Riley was catching the train home and eating a bag of crisps. She looked up and noticed a man filming her with his phone, and not very subtly. Rebecca did what any self-respecting crisp eater would do and asked the man to stop filming her. He briefly paused the video but when she looked back up he had his phone pointing at her again. This isn’t some weird fetish – Rebecca was being filmed by someone who has a problem with women eating on public transport, someone who may well have beena member of the Women Who Eat on Tubes Facebook group.
Continue reading...from The Guardian