How to get rid of an unwanted housemate

The Ecuadorians are fed up with their longtime lodger, Julian Assange. But many of us have had a nightmare flatmate. Here’s how to get them to leave

So it seems the people at the Ecuadorian embassy in London have had it with Julian Assange loitering around their pad, after it was revealed he has been told to take better care of his cat and clean his bathroom. In a gloriously petty move, they have even limited his wi-fi usage. Genius.

We have all been there, right? Any of us who have survived the second year of uni knows the horror of the wrong roommate. I mean, you could just ask them to leave, but it is way more fun, in my experience, to make life so unbearable that they are convinced they are going of their own volition. So here is a handy, five-step plan to removing an unwanted housemate.

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from The Guardian