I don’t want to get good at gaming, I want to escape the relentless pressure to improve myself

I enjoy video games, but I’m not good at playing them and I don’t want to be

Like a lot of idiots with nothing better to do, I enjoy playing video games. This is a recent development. During my childhood we didn’t have enough money for a Nintendo, and my parents were deeply suspicious of them anyway (rightly so, given that my sister and I are both what you might call “indoorsy types” if you were being really polite).

I enjoy video games but I’m not good at playing them. I lack a certain gamers’ intuition – is this wall going to be breakable? Which path is the game trying to lead me down? If I dive into this lake, am I going to find a box of treasure, or immediately drown and have to watch a cutscene of my character’s inert corpse being ripped apart by writhing fish-monsters?

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2OSCCWG