Is it time to end the stories about the 'Australian economic miracle'?

The Economist’s rosy profile of Australia is in some ways an oddly timed piece given the insecurities many in this country are feeling

This week The Economist magazine featured Australia on its front page, stating “Aussie Rules: What the world can learn from Australia”. In some ways it is an oddly timed piece given the insecurities many in this country are feeling – coming as it did in a week when about 150,000 people rallied in Melbourne for better wages, and in which the stock market slid five days in a row. Is it a case that Australians have become the grumpy ones who can’t see how good we have it, or is it time to end stories about the “Australian economic miracle”?

It’s not all that surprising really to have a magazine based in London as it experiences the absurd hit on its economy from the Brexit idiocy look wistfully to Australia. And given this week Tony Abbott advised the Brits to just give the EU a take it or leave it offer, many in Britain could well be forgiven for wondering just how did Australia manage to not be in an economic mire given the competency bar for leadership in this country appears to be so low.

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from The Guardian