Legless Japanese businessmen: the photographer who caught a Tokyo epidemic

When the train has gone and a hotel is too expensive, pavements and benches are the only option. Paweł Jaszczuk on how he captured new phenomenon

A well-to-do man is dressed for success: black lace-ups, tie and a sharp pinstripe suit. So why is he asleep on a Tokyo pavement in the dead of night, curled up like a foetus in the womb?

High Fashion, a new book, shows that this is no isolated incident. In photograph after photograph, lone suited-and-booted businessmen sleep in the middle of the city. A couple of drinks after work can sometimes get out of hand – many of us have been there. But in the deferential, work-hard/play-hard, corporate culture of Japan, getting drunk and ending up stranded without a bed seems to happen all the time.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2yCESaC