Massacre at the movies: why must cinema torture the young?

From Utoya to The Hate U Give, a new wave of films offer an unflinching vision of violence against children. What does the bloodletting tell us about how we live now?

The facts are public knowledge. On 22 July 2012, wearing a police uniform bought online, Anders Behring Breivik took the ferry MS Thorbjørn to the island of Utøya, north-west of Oslo. There, teenagers were attending a summer camp organised by the Norwegian Labour party. Two hours earlier, Breivik had detonated a car bomb outside the office of the prime minister, Jens Stoltenberg, killing eight people. Now, in the course of just over an hour, he shot dead 69 more. The majority of the victims were in their teens.

Two films now return us to that day. The British director Paul Greengrass brings us 22 July; Utøya – July 22 is by Norwegian director Erik Poppe. Poppe’s Utøya takes place in howlingly stark real time, confined to the island for the 72 minutes of the massacre. Greengrass also deals with the aftermath, the frail recovery of survivors and the trial of Breivik – for all his stunted fantasy life, not a child but a man of 32.

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from The Guardian