After the Kavanaugh hearings, we should no longer fear backlash – we should embrace it
There are few examples in history where social change has come without resistance, and the current movement to expose and challenge the actions of powerful men is no exception.
When power is challenged and progress is sought, those who seek to lose that power will rise up to slap down the movement, limiting and, at times, rolling back that progress, and finding ways to undermine, attack and discredit those who have sought change. The attacks come in all shapes and forms – targeting an individual’s personal account of harm, a workplace’s initiative, a researcher’s methodology, or a government policy. These attacks are often insidious, with the fear of losing power dressed up as a legitimate concern about “reverse discrimination” or “an attack on fair process”. The loud voices of those who hold the power invariably come forward under the guise of hailing a return to sensible, rational discussion; returning balance to a debate that has tipped “too far” in the favour of the “feminist agenda”.
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