Some 670,000, many not seasoned campaigners, marched, with the mood determinedly hopeful
Just after noon on Saturday at Green Park tube station in central London, the announcer had only one message: “This is now an exit-only station!” There were, from among the shuffling crowds that packed the corridors and thronged the escalators, several murmurs of discontent at that particular notion. “Not if we have anything to do with it!” a woman with the gold stars of the EU stuck to the back of her jacket replied.
The crowd leaving the station, most carrying banners and flags – Carry on Remoaning! The People have Woken! – laughed just a little hopelessly at the joke as they emerged above ground to join those already making their way to Hyde Park Corner for the start of the People’s Vote march, the largest protest on the capital’s streets since the Stop the War rally in 2003.
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