Doctor Who: is the series finally getting it right on race?

After 55 years, it was about time the series faced up to its fairly un-PC record – much to the outrage of Jeremy Clarkson

With episodes featuring Rosa Parks and the 1947 partition of India, this season of Doctor Who has reached back into history to tell some of the most racially charged stories of the 20th century. It has been a throwback to the show’s original educational roots – but has raised questions about how Doctor Who has handled race both on and off-screen in the past.

Devised in 1963 to bridge the gap on a Saturday afternoon between the sports results and the evening’s TV schedule, creator Sydney Newman always envisaged that Doctor Who would have “a high educational content” and be as much about exploring earth’s past as it was about exploring the universe. William Hartnell’s original Doctor met Marco Polo, Nero and King Richard I among others.

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from The Guardian