Labor's election win in Victoria delivers a stunning margin and a new party hero | Gay Alcorn

Labor is threatening to take even safe Liberal seats as its practical focus pays off
• Labor secures stunning victory in Victorian election as voters ‘reject fear’
• Victorian state election 2018: all the results and reaction

Not even the most supreme optimists in Labor dreamed of this. A thumping victory, a “bloodbath” as Labor’s health minister, Jill Hennessy, put it. Labor luminaries looked not just pleased, but stunned.

A swing to Labor of around 6%, around 60 seats in an 88-seat parliament, the Coalition reduced to a rump of 20, with several still in doubt. Although the counting of prepoll votes might bring back the scale of the win a little, Labor’s early worries about being forced into minority government proved laughable.

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from The Guardian