Mars is lovely at this time of year: futurists imagine life in 2050

From family holidays in space to robot doctors and an end to work… Four experts predict what life will be like 30 years from now

Earlier this year, the theoretical physicist Michio Kaku published a book, The Future of Humanity, in which he grappled with a question central to most of our lives: what will our future look like? Kaku is a popular scientist. He has a knack for studying today’s trends in order to hypothesise what might come tomorrow – how we’ll live, where we’ll live, whether or not an almighty AI might soon rule over us. And he’s not the only one. Futurists have been conceptualising our potential fate for centuries, sometimes successfully. Perhaps, as we stumble through uncertain times, their work is more important now than ever. So what will the world look like in 2050? We asked Kaku and three other futurists to share their predictions.

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from The Guardian