May’s Brexiter anarchists are deserting her – but they don’t have a plan | Simon Jenkins

The prime minster is trying to find a way through a political nightmare, but party discipline is disintegrating around her

Members of Theresa May’s cabinet apparently have “significant reservations” about her Brexit transition plan. That is hardly news: all policies involve reservations. But to describe a customs union fall-back as vassalage, bondage and enslavement insults both language and history. May’s colleagues are at this critical moment seeking to undermine her attempt to find a way through a political nightmare, and with no proffered alternative. That is anarchy.

Irrespective of whether a customs union with Europe is good for Britain – and evidence and common sense suggests it is – an interim fall-back to no customs union is utter stupidity. It would mean border chaos, massive disruption to food supplies, damage to exports and yawning gaps in labour supply. A mix of personal ambition and reckless brinkmanship may appeal to hot-blooded ministers. But that is not responsible government.

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from The Guardian