Babies don’t look in the least like their parents and anyone who says that they do is lying
When my son was born, everyone told me he looked just like me. Looking at him, I didn’t really know what they meant and often said so. ‘Ah, he does,’ they’d say, redoubling their enthusiasm in the hopes it would convince me, sometimes pointing at specific features, urging me to look at my own son’s face again and again, with the zeal of that guy in IT who keeps telling you to watch 600 Jordan Peterson lectures.
Like all babies, he came out looking like a small, red, beautiful alien. Now, he’s still undeniably beautiful, but with a great deal more paunch than myself. Like me, he is pasty and red-haired, but still mostly bald on top, meaning the longer hair that wreathes the scalp around his temples has the uncanny effect of middle-age. When he’s cantankerous – which is less seldom than I would prefer – this effect is quadrupled, meaning he often looks like a 50-year-old man who tweets weather girls to say their hair looks nice, the kind that use knotted handkerchiefs to keep their balding pates from the scorching Blackpool sun.
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