Struggling to lose weight? It’s not your fault – blame your friends | Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

I’m an impressionable eater – like many others. New research throws light on why we might opt for the unhealthy choice

As we approach Christmas party time, I make my usual annual psychological commitment: time to get healthy, I tell myself, so that December’s excess doesn’t have too much of an impact on my waistline. I vouch to get off the sauce, get on the exercise bike a bit more, stop eating so much cheese. Somehow, I decide, this will result in a new, fit, lithe me.

But there is a problem. The problem is that I made this vow in the summer, too, in the run-up to the summer holiday; and in the spring, in the run-up to my book coming out; and in January … you see where this is going. Every month, every week, a meaningless commitment that I believe will change my life. Spoiler alert: it never does.

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from The Guardian