A drone interrupts Brexit? Wake me up when this am-dram comedy is over | Alex Clark

This week’s airport chaos seemed to sum up the surreal state of Britain as it contemplates an uncertain future

As a frequent flyer, a born catastrophist and a hater of uncertainty and crowds, I have watched events unfold at Gatwick airport this week with horror, mentally working out how I would go about washing my hair and suchlike if I had to live in a departure lounge for days on end (would they let you into duty free, for example? What if you ran out of books?). But it cannot be denied that it feels very much like the trauma of our times – a microcosm of all the anxieties currently besetting us. And it being this time of year, and inspired by recent comments made by The League of Gentlemen co-creator Mark Gatiss about the premonitory nature of the show I fell to wondering how it could be dealt with by a group of am-dram enthusiasts in a small village – let’s call it Batwick – somewhere deep in worried, bewildered, middle England.

Here’s the leader of the troupe addressing her fellow thespians. “We commend the committee of the end-of-year revue show for coming up with another corker for the village’s entertainment. Even we couldn’t have seen this one coming! Neither could we have expected the crowds: more than 100,000 people crammed into our tiny community centre. A whole new meaning to the phrase standing room only! Our gratitude to Linda Ponsonby for dusting off her faithful tea urn and to the whole area for throwing open their doors. Lucky you had all those sheets and blankets aired for Christmas!

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from The Guardian http://bit.ly/2AcP0IC