Don't go to bed yet – too much sleep is worse than not enough | Zoe Williams

More than 10 hours increases risk of heart disease by 41%, a study says. Surprised? That’s because we assume ‘delinquent’ choices are less virtuous

Sleeping for fewer than six hours a night is not good for you
, but we have known this for years. The surprising new finding from the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences is that sleeping too much is worse. Between eight and nine hours a night increases your risk of heart disease by 5%; sleep more than 10 hours and your risk goes up by 41%.

I would raise a lay person’s hand and say: maybe the study was confounded by the fact that, if you sleep for more than 10 hours, there is something wrong with you already, some weltschmerz, some desire not to be awake, that increases your risk of disease at the level of the soul. But that would probably be annoying to the scientists, who surely adjusted for soul.

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from The Guardian