Hate lugging cat litter? Don't make us Amazon warehouse workers do it

In the second installment of The Amazon Diaries, one worker says managers give lip service to safety, but ‘if we followed those rules nothing would get done around here’

Pet owners already know this, but to be clear: kitty litter and dog food are really heavy. Kitty litter makes concrete seem like a feather pillow. I don’t have a cat, but I deal with kitty litter every day. Bags of kitty litter are stored precariously in the warehouse in shabby cardboard boxes that split and spill their contents. I unpack trucks loaded from floor to ceiling with box after broken box of kitty litter. Often working alone, I lift and drag, throw and moan, trying to get these anchors out of the truck. Broken bags leave trails of the gray granules across the warehouse floor. I hate kitty litter.

On your first days at Amazon, safety is declared the No 1 priority in the building, above productivity and quality. Most buildings have an AmCare station (imagine a school nurse), and safety teams are common around the building, patrolling more like safety police looking for worker safety violations. We are bombarded, told again and again, that our safety comes first. But why do I feel gaslit?

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2KVSkvM