I thought all men got #MeToo. I was wrong | Deborah Frances-White

I realise now that #MeToo and Time’s Up were a wake-up call for the men who simply didn’t have empathy for women

At the start of the #MeToo movement, many men expressed surprise at the number of women who had been the victim of sexual harassment and even assault. I was surprised by their surprise because I’ve lived in the world all my life. I’ve had to politely wiggle out of literal and metaphorical dark corners while working hard to create a narrative that this influential man’s suggestions were only an in-joke. I’ve had to protect my own bullies’ egos and reputations in order to keep working.

But most of what I know, I know from what I’ve seen and heard from other women. The men of Hollywood seemed outraged to discover that the way they treated women every day, was the way women were treated. I will concede that some men didn’t understand the scale of it or couldn’t identify individual perpetrators. I also suspect those same men didn’t want to know and had spent a lot of their working lives looking hard out of windows to avoid eye contact with women who were making SOS faces across tables.

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from The Guardian http://bit.ly/2GPCTqC