If you've been abused as a child, Queensland is the unluckiest state to be in | Bri Lee

We’re dealing with people’s lives and basic rights to justice – it shouldn’t matter which state or territory we’re in

Thursday is my 27th birthday and that means it’s been exactly one year since my trial. When the jury found the defendant “guilty” on both counts of “indecent treatment of a child” I cried and cried. He’d fought the allegations for two years, hired a solicitor and barrister, and gave evidence of his innocence at trial. They don’t call us “survivors” for nothing: those two years subjected me to relentless humiliations and devastations. There were multiple occasions I almost withdrew my complaint, feeling like I couldn’t possibly go on.

Despite all that, I am one of the lucky ones. Not just lucky to get the right verdict but lucky that the prosecutors even decided to run my case, and before that, lucky the police even decided to investigate.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/2zTaR7K