The hard-punching redhead private detective of 80s paperback novels will soon be the subject of a 10-part series – but will Australia want him?
“Norton looked at her. This is getting absolutely ridic, he thought. This sheila’s doing everything but send up smoke signals; and she’s a bloody good sort too. If I don’t make some sort of move she’ll either think I’m a bigger mug than what I look, or a poof. Bugger this. I’ll have to have a lash.”
As this passage from Robert G Barrett’s 1987 novel, The Boys from Binjiwunyawunya, makes clear, Barrett’s protagonist, Les Norton, is not exactly a nice bloke. By today’s standards, the hard-punching hero of a 20-book crime series by the late Australian author was sexist, homophobic and, if not outright racist, certainly not averse to racial stereotyping.
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