Nigella Lawson is a feminist goddess – her radical attitude to women’s bodies proves it | Chitra Ramaswamy

The food writer has joined Jameela Jamil in criticising the ‘pernicious’ practice of airbrushing, once again emphasising that life is for living and stomachs for filling

Nigella Lawson is a joyful and triumphant salve at all times of year, but the food writer’s recipes and attitude to food are ripe for a Christmas binge. ’Tis the season, after all, of increased emotional labour for women and the absurd instruction, which is body-shaming trussed up as tradition, to consume thousands of calories in one dinner but diet frantically while beating oneself with kale for the rest of winter.

Fighting against all this self-denying nonsense is a cook who two decades ago announced herself to the world with the thrilling words: “I have nothing to declare but my greed.” Now Lawson has joined the airbrushing debate after Jameela Jamil’s call for the practice to be put “in the bin”. “I’ve had to tell American TV stations not to airbrush my sticking out stomach,” Lawson tweeted back to Jamil. “The hatred of fat, and assumption that we’d all be grateful to be airbrushed thinner, is pernicious.”

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from The Guardian