Guardian Australia staff reflect on their seasonal screen time tradition. Tell us yours in the comments
Spare me your feel-pinions over whether or not you believe it is a Christmas movie. I know it came out in July. I know its nods to the holiday season consist of a well-placed rendition of Let It Snow and a “Now I have a machine gun, ho, ho, ho”. I don’t care. It is the greatest action movie ever made, and it just doesn’t feel like Christmas without some John McClane “yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker” sass and a tortured “Haaaaaaaaannnnnns”! He’s a weary traveller, forced into the office Christmas party from hell, who saves his family from Alan Rickman, while also making a lifelong friendship. If that is not the perfect holiday at home allegory (just swap out Rickman for your problematic relative and swap in alcohol for the lifelong friend), then I don’t know what is.
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