Sydney to Hobart 2018: Scallywag lives up to reputation with jibes at Comanche

  • Scallywag skipper claims Oats is ‘the only boat to beat’
  • Handicap win will likely be settled mid-fleet

After breaking equipment in a Sydney-to-Hobart warm-up race, Hong Kong supermaxi Scallywag hasn’t spent much time on the water. Instead skipper David Witt’s careful gaze has been trained on his competition in the 100-foot category.

“The only boat to beat is Wild Oats XI. Beat Oats and you win,” said Witt, a veteran of more than 20 skirmishes to Hobart. Asked why last year’s champion Comanche shouldn’t be given the same consideration, Witt is quick to dismiss their win last year as a technicality.

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from The Guardian