The commodification of Frida Kahlo: are we losing the artist under all that kitsch?

As a new exhibition of Kahlo’s photographs opens, Jenny Valentish looks at the merchandise bearing the artist’s image and wonders if we’ve missed the point

Dangling from my ute’s rearview mirror is a Frida Kahlo air freshener, its scent long since depleted. I suppose I thought hanging Kahlo’s colourful visage in a utility vehicle seemed like a nice visual juxtaposition, or maybe even a gendered territorial pissing.

Since I bought it a couple of years ago, Kahlo’s face has run rampant through the retail world, licensed to clothing brands such as Mango and Princesse Tam-Tam, stationery makers Grupo Erik, porcelain company Lladró, Flamingo Candles, giftware line Temerity Jones, and electronic accessories manufacturer Ecell. There’s also a Barbie doll, from Mattel.

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from The Guardian